BI.MAC. S.r.l. - Macchine per l'Industria Alimentare

4 rotors Ball Mill BMP-4

The ball mill BMP-4 is particularly suitable for the refining end of cocoa liquor, masses of chocolate, cakes and pastries fat natural pistachio, hazelnut etc.. This machine is equipped with four rotors that work in the same shell allows to refine the product in a significantly reduced time and with a better result than that of a conventional single-rotor mill balls. Un PLC Siemens controlla, tramite un software dedicato, il processo di produzione rilevando la temperatura del prodotto in uscita ed adeguando di conseguenza la velocità di rotazione degli alberi. A Siemens PLC controls, through a dedicated software, the manufacturing process by detecting the temperature of the product output and adjust the speed of rotation of the trees. The whole machine can be easily managed through a touch-screen panel on the side.

The BMP-4 mill was presented at the Interpack trade fair in 2005 during which he collected interest and appreciation from various work force.



Bi.Mac. s.r.l. - Loc. Malpaga, 22 - 29010 Calendasco (PC), Italy - VAT Nr.: IT00950600338